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The 21st annual Innkeepers’ Dinner another great success for the Stratford Perth Museum

Hundreds of friends filled the dining room at the Arden Park Hotel on the weekend as the Stratford Perth Museum held its 21st annual Innkeepers’ Dinner.

Kelly McIntosh, general manager of the museum, said “the entire evening had so much magic to it.”

“Where else on this earth would you have award-winning talent like Rod Beattie and Dayna Manning breaking bread with city folk and farm folk in such a beautiful ballroom steeped in history and tradition?” she asked.

The evening, she said, was the “stuff of legacy” of the community that has supported the Stratford Perth Museum for decades.

The manager said it was a wonderful thing to hear from Margaret Wilson and Laura Pogson about the origin of the Innkeeper’s dinner.

Ever since the museum had no money, just will and vision, and so many people contributed to that initial fundraiser from the soup ladies in the kitchen to the dishes on the table, this fundraiser has been steeped in tradition.

She was glad to see that at the dinner the agricultural community, the manufacturing community, the arts community and many others came together to support one important goal in keeping the Stratford Perth Museum a continued success story.

McIntosh said it was a night she will remember for the rest of her life, with the honour to have been given the opportunity to step into former museum general manager John Kastner’s very large shoes, with such a supportive community, to do her thing.

She said she was nervous but can’t imagine it going any better than it did with the community once again generously opening their pocketbooks and the museum having a terrific night.

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