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Goderich Track Rebuild continues to receive generous donations

GDCI students raised and donated $620 for the campaign. (Back row, L-R): Tanner Allen, Cole Roberts, Miles Hallman, Griffin Karges, Easton Connelly, and Hailey Klaver. (Middle row): Norah Godwin, James Vanderbilt and Lily Shelton. (Front row, L-R): Ms. N. Machan, AnnaSophia Hussey, Rachael Love, and Peyton Martens.

The Goderich Track Rebuild Committee started planning for the project months ago and are currently running a campaign to raise funds to support this project.

According to the committee, a lot of fundraising has happened recently, and committee members are grateful for all the donations to date.

Some of the most recent donations include $620 from GDCI students, $25,000 from Unifor, and $10,000 from the Ladies Auxiliary.

“We are very excited, and thankful for the positive community response,” noted Nicole Machan, of the Goderich Track Rebuild Committee.

“We are hoping that the momentum continues to get us closer to the goal of being able to rebuild the track.”

The track and adjacent facilities need significant upgrades, and the estimated cost for the project is valued at $500,000.

With support for this project, plans include replacing the track and doing upgrades to the basketball and beach volleyball courts.

In May Doug Cruickshank from the Goderich Track Rebuild spoke on the very ambitious project to the Ladies Auxiliary.

On June 11 the Ladies Auxiliary Branch 109 held their June general meeting, where they passed a motion to donate to the project.

During their June 11 meeting, the ladies presented a cheque for $10,000 to Cruickshank and Niki Machan from the Goderich Track Rebuild Committee.

According to Liz Black-Petrie, Corresponding Secretary/social media with the Ladies Auxiliary, it is very important they support the community in whatever way that may look.

From time to time, the ladies generously donate to the local schools as it fits the group’s Youth Mandate. They also donate to the Maitland Squadron 532 Air Cadets, as they are very supportive of the organization as well.

One of the organization’s latest projects is aiding vulnerable seniors who are struggling to make ends meet.

“We believe in the importance of giving back to the community at large, as they support us in our various fundraisers,” explained Black-Petrie.

At the organization’s April General Meeting, Doug Cruickshank from the Goderich Track Rebuild Committee made a presentation.

The ladies were impressed with the information provided and some reminisced about their high school days.

Following the presentation by Cruickshank, the ladies bantered about the amount of a donation, as it was one that was going to happen.

It was decided that $10,000 would be the amount to donate.

“What do we get out of providing this donation? We get the acknowledgment that we are community supports no matter the cause,” said Black-Petrie.

“We will be happy to see the track used for many more years for all age groups. We also will be recognized as our own entity as often we are considered Branch 109.”

The GDCI track and sports fields were completed in the 1980s after its students participated in numerous walk-a-thons and other fundraising activities to help fund the campaign.

Now, nearly 50 years of use, the track and sports fields are in dire need of refurbishment.

Although this property is in the ownership of the school board, GDCI must rely solely on donations and grants to support this campaign.

“It is our pleasure to support the wonderful community project and we look forward to seeing it come to fruition,” added Black-Petrie.

“We know that the Goderich Track Rebuild Committee will make this is a place for all in the Town of Goderich and elsewhere to gather.”

According to Black-Petrie, a few years ago, Mr. and Mrs. C. Bannister bequeathed a sum of money to the organization.

“They requested it be used in good faith for a cause that the Ladies Auxiliary believe in,” Black-Petrie explained.

“This is that cause.”

A project that was once fully funded by the efforts of GDCI’s students and the community in the 70s, organizers of the committee are grateful for the support they have received and look forward for a continuation of support.

To donate to the track rebuild campaign visit


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